Hymson Italy: la gestione dell’ emergenza coronavirus.

Message from Hymson Italy management on the Company’s reaction to the current situation generated by the spread of the coronavirus in Italy.

Hymson Italy, the italian subsidiary of Guangzhou Hymson Laser Technology Co. Ltd., Guangdong, China, at the first news of Coronavirus infections in China has set up a series of preventive measures to ensure maximum safety for employees, Customers and the entire community. The international relations allowed us to understand immediately that in today’s global society nothing can remain limited to a single Country, and we immediately took the restrictions and containment measures very seriously, anticipating in some cases the indications that were coming from Hymson Laser China, the Country that first experienced the disease. The evolving of the situation was monitored in real time and on an international basis, to respond promptly to any change, and to take a series of measures with the aim of guaranteeing the continuity of company activities even during the current epidemic. Thanks to this strategy, to date, our offices keep on working remotely. The factories and headquarters of our parent company in southern China have been closed for several weeks due to the virus but are now opening again and the progressive restart the production plants is underway, in full compliance with the Decrees on the containment measures issued by the local Government and WHO recommendations. Even in this situation of global emergency, Hymson Italy was committed to be close to our Customers with high sense of responsibility, with the utmost attention to their health and also ensuring the continuity of their business. Our international coverage represents a real strength in this situation. Despite the current restrictions on travel, we are in fact able to guarantee efficient field services in addition to remote assistance services, both telephone and online, which allow us to solve most of the technical issues. The COVID-19 emergency is naturally impacting on all Exhibitions and events internationally. Several main events have been cancelled or postponed, including Global Industrie in Paris and Tube in Dusseldorf, as well as Macspe in Parma. The important date was approaching when we were arranging to welcome our Partners at the showroom’s open house in our Vicenza seat. Waiting for the normalization of the situation, we maintain the strong collaboration with Hymson United States and Hymson India, with whom we share codes of conduct and health protection strategies. Waiting to return to shake hands without fear, without forgetting the richness of the personal interaction, we make our stakeholders live the Hymson experience through the net channels, wherever they are, in total safety. Let’s keep in touch and, as the Italians write today with confidence in their own possibilities and gathering the necessary force in front of an extraordinary world-wide event that worries about the social and economic recoil “EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE” #ANDRATUTTOBENE.